Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Making a move

We are planning to move to Oregon or Washington to live closer to family, live less expensively (currently we're in So Cal and it is PRICEY), and eventually buy some land that will allow us to live more self-sufficiently and green! I am bummed that my choices are so limited where I live now. Public transportation is lacking, merchants that have the eco-conscious consumer in mind are limited (or very expensive) and the general concept of less is more seems non-existent here in the land of status symbols.

Recently, I've read some great books and articles on living sustainably: from building your own cob house to human waste composting. I'm not sure where I fall on the green spectrum, but I am open to lots of the stuff I've been reading. It surprises me. There was a time when I desired Coach purses, held convenience in the highest regard, and loved what I've come to know as the anything-but-authentic lifestyle of this area.

Growing older, attending college and coming to terms with my successes and failures has changed my priorities over the last 3-4 years. It was not that "going green" is on its way to becoming fashionable. I'm stoked that these topics are no longer considered liberal, hippie drivel AND that due to this mainstreaming, more resources and accountability have found their way into our lives. Moving North will no doubt enhance this availability and that is exactly what I'm hoping for.

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