Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's Official

We're moving! The end of July to Portland, OR and I couldn't be more excited!

I've been completely consumed with the process of moving, along with planning and shooting a friend's wedding that I have spent next to no time doing my usual stuff like baking bread, knitting (or practicing, rather), voracious research on self-sufficiency, and all the other things that usually consume my brain. Now that the wedding is over and the pix are edited and made available to the lovely bride I feel like I can breathe a little easier.

Also, in this process I've done some things that I don't think are very green and I've been struggling to justify them. For instance, we traded in our 2000 Honda Accord for a 2005 Chevy Silverado truck. Gas hog. But, we will be moving 2-3 times in as many upcoming years and ultimately living on a farm where the truck will be necessary. Financially, it was a good move for us because we're saving money that would have gone towards a U-Haul ($1200! WTF). The flip side of the truck purchase is that we also sold our other car for a motorcycle that gets amazing gas mileage and will be used as primary transportation rather than the second car we sold. Is it a wash? I hope so.

I can't wait to get up to Portland and explore that amazing city, visit with all the family I have up in the Pacific Northwest and begin our search for the perfect parcel of land to begin our organic hobby farm!

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