Monday, May 18, 2009

The Pacific Northwest

We are considering a move to Oregon/Washington sometime soon. My husband needs to be able to transfer his employment to another location (of which there are many in that area), but since the economy isn't so hot right now that might take more time than usual. We are dreaming of building our own home that is built with green living in mind, as well as the ability to be self-sustaining. We're talking solar panels, organic farming, a cow or goats, chickens, beekeeping and maybe a horse or two. I'm not sure if this falls under the category of hobby farm or not, but it would not be something we would try to do on a large scale. We want to be able to sustain ourselves and perhaps sell the extra stuff we'd make on Etsy and local farmer's markets.

The fact that I'm a clueless city girl has given me pause, but I am a believer in treading lightly on the earth, living healthy and above all, knowing how to live. I'm the first to admit that I have not been much of a homemaker up to this point in my life: most side dishes I've made in the past came out of a cardboard box. I do know how to cook and enjoy learning more about scratch cooking. But, I think it would be wise, healthy and fun to take it to the next step. Don't get me wrong, I love technology and my internets, but I want to find a way to coexist with the tried and tested healthy ways of the past and combine them with the smart, helpful technologies of today. I'm finding that smart isn't always healthy in today's world...while plastics, chemicals and other advents that were hailed as improvements to our lives aren't always worth the risk. What bums me out the most is that oftentimes these things are known to be unhealthy, but still marketed and used by companies that care only about their bottom line.

A good, green mix of the old and the new - that is what I'm looking for. It might take more effort in some ways, but everything I've learned thus far has shown me that everything I want can come from my own hands...and not in new, improved, convenient plastic packaging guaranteed to save me 5 minutes of time, but last forever in the landfill and soil. OK, I'm getting off the soapbox now (recycled and filled with my own handmade soap, ha!)

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